
アメリカ長期留学 安田さん 2月レポート
現在、アメリカ・オレゴン州のSweet Home High Schoolに長期留学中の安田さん(高1)の
「February Memories」
Before we know it, February, the last month of winter, has arrived. In February, there is an event we must not forget: Valentine’s Day. I have learned that Valentine’s Day in the U.S. is completely different from that in Japan and that it is the complete other way around. In Japan, it is said that girls give chocolates to boys on Valentine’s Day, but on Valentine’s Day in the U.S., boys usually give chocolates and flowers to girls. On this Valentine’s Day, it was also customary for lovers to prepare some kind of gift for each other. I found it very lovely to see a culture where both lovers sent each other nice things and exchanged them. One girl friend of mine forgot that February 14 was Valentine’s Day and forgot to prepare a gift for her boyfriend.
I found that Valentine’s Day is one of the most popular events in the U.S. During my lunch hour on Valentine’s Day, I sat at a large table in the cafeteria with my friends where we exchanged various snacks, chocolates, and gifts, and had a tea party. My friends made a large whole cake and sandwiches for this Valentine’s Day tea party, which made me realize once again that I am surrounded by wonderful friends.
Each of these seasonal sports is coming to an end, and the basketball team I joined this fall and winter is finally coming to an end. The season before the basketball team, I joined the cross-country team, in which we had to run against ourselves on long-distance paths. However, in contrast, the basketball team was a team sport where winning or losing depended on how well we could trust and communicate within the team. I was not very skilled in English, and I was not a good basketball player to begin with, so at first I was very nervous at practice. However, everyone on the team was really kind and taught me how to get rebounds and what kind of shooting form would help me get the best shot. As we continued to practice and play games with the same members, we got to know each other better, and I feel that we made a great team. I love this team and I am really glad that I joined the basketball club.
The other day, I had my last basketball game with my teammates. Some of my teammates were already teary-eyed and on the verge of crying at the meeting right before the game. Everyone, including myself, was teary-eyed. I felt the same feeling, passing the language hurdle to the fullest, that when something I have worked so hard for with my friends comes to an end, even though we are not trying to cry, we get all teary eyed. I had the opportunity to shoot free throws in this game. The atmosphere in the gym was focused on that basketball. I crushed the pressure I felt and shot it. I had practiced a lot by now, and I was able to get some great scores. Although we lost this game, it was a great game in which teammates communicated well with each other, and I have no regrets. After the game, we had a final meeting with everyone on the team. At that time, everyone was still in tears, and this team also ended with a hug from all teammates. I was very happy to have met such wonderful friends and made such great memories during this study abroad program. In the next season, I am going to join another sports team, so I will do my best again.