
カナダ長期留学 谷本さん 11月レポート
現在、カナダ・ブリティッシュ・コロンビア州のSurrey Christian Schoolに
「New Experiences」
The third month has already passed. The last week of October was filled with many events such as Halloween, Costume Day, White Lie Day, Teacher and Student Swap Day, and Pajamas Day. On Costume Day, many people wore costumes to school. Some dressed up as fairies, some wore costumes of a bag of sweets, and I even saw an astronaut costume. Everyone wore different costumes, which made it look nice and fun. On White Lie Day, many people wore white shirts and wrote down a white lie on them. One of my friends wrote, “I have never had iced coffee before.” Since I had never experienced this event before, I was surprised.
Teacher and Student Swap Day was also fun and funny. On that day, teachers pretended to be students at school. Some of the teachers wore wigs and hats, which made it a new experience. We also had Pajamas Day, which I had never experienced before. I did not know what kind of clothes people would wear. Since it is called Pajamas Day, I thought people would wear comfortable clothes like pajamas. However, almost everyone was wearing real pajamas and warm, fluffy clothes, which made me wonder.
We celebrated Halloween and I made a Jack-o’-lantern with my host sisters. It was my first time making one, and we used pumpkins that we picked up at the pumpkin patch. I thought that making a Jack-o’-lantern would be hard, but the pumpkin was softer than I thought. The hardest part was making the face, which had small parts, so I used the knife carefully. After making the Jack-o’-lantern, my arm was so tired because I used a lot of power. Also, it took a long time, about 2 hours. It was my first time, but I think I did well. In Japan, they have squash, so I want to try making a Jack-o’-lantern with squash next year. My host mother asked me to send her a picture if I make one, so I said “yes!” Maybe it is not easy to make it with squash, but I want to try.
Also, on Halloween, we went trick-or-treating with bags and visited our neighbors’ houses to get a lot of sweets. I had never tried it before, so I was so excited. Most of the houses were decorated, and every time either my host sister or I knocked on the door, it was so fun. Outside was too cold, so my hands were freezing. A lot of people did fireworks too. Suddenly, the fireworks went off on the road. It was sudden, so I was so surprised. I thought people would do fireworks until 7 o’clock or 8 o’clock, but it went on until about 11 o’clock. At the time, I was already in bed, so I fell asleep to the sound of fireworks. The last week of October was full of new experiences.
November 11th was Remembrance Day, marking the end of hostilities during the First World War and an opportunity to recall all those who have served in the nation’s defense. The Canadian Army came to Surrey Christian School, and we sang “O Canada,” but I did not know the song, so I could not sing. I think that was a good opportunity to learn about this song. We did a silent prayer on November 11th at 11 a.m., which was the same custom as in Japan. One day, I went to my friend’s house. I took a bus and went by myself. I got off at the wrong place, but I thought it would be alright, and I arrived safely. We made some Japanese food for lunch and had a great time.
This month, I had many presentations. My Spanish presentation was to compare Mexico and Canada or the country where you were born. I compared Mexico and Japan. Some of the students compared Mexico and the country where they were born, so I learned a lot of things about other countries. I was glad to know about Mexico and other countries. I’m learning about medical care in P.E. class. We did artificial respiration and heart massage. Medical care has a lot of words that I don’t know, so I’m going to study and figure them out. This month was a little bit busy, but also fun.
カナダへ来てからすでに3か月が経とうとしています。10月分のレポートに書くことが出来なかったのですが、10月の最後の週に沢山の行事がありました。それは、ハロウィン、Costume day、white lie day、先生と生徒が入れ替わる日、パジャマデーです。Costume dayには沢山の生徒がコスチュームを着て学校に登校していました。妖精の人もいたり、お菓子の袋のコスチュームの人もいたり、中には宇宙飛行士の格好をしている人もいました。みんなが違うコスチュームを着ていて楽しかったです。White lie dayには白い服を着て、その上に良い嘘を書きました。友達の一人は今までにアイスコーヒーを飲んだことがないという嘘を書いていました。私は今までこのような行事を経験したことがなかったので少し驚きました。
11月11日にはremembrance dayがありました。この日は第一次世界大戦中の敵対行為の終結を記念しています。学校には軍隊の方が来ました。みんなでO Canadaを歌いました。歌詞が分からなかったため私は歌うことが出来なかったのですが、この歌を知る良い機会になったと思います。11月11日午前11時に黙禱がありました。やり方は日本と同じでした。私は友達の家に遊びに行きました。バスを使ったのですが、降りる場所を間違えてしまいました。無事に到着しお昼ご飯に日本と韓国の食べ物を一緒に作りました。とても楽しかったです。