
城西大学附属 城西中学・高等学校

アメリカ長期留学 安田さん 4月レポート

現在、アメリカ・オレゴン州のSweet Home High Schoolに長期留学中の安田さん(高1)の4月レポートとなります。日本にはない、独特な授業の課題をこなしながらの部活動、苦労をしたようですが、貴重な経験となったようです。


 The wind is gradually warming up and the season is beginning to change from winter to spring. In Japan, April is the time of year when students change grades, classes, and places to live and work. In the U.S., these changes take place in September, so I did not have that nervous and excited feeling in April, which I thought was strange. However, cherry blossoms are very beautiful in the U.S. as well. I felt happy to know that so many cherry blossoms bloom so beautifully in the U.S. as well. Easter is a well-known holiday in spring in the U.S., and I experienced its culture for the first time during spring break. During the spring break, my host family was traveling abroad, so I stayed at a friend’s house. The family gave me marshmallows in the shape of chicks called Peeps and chocolates in the shape of rabbits, which are sweets that are made for Easter. My friend and her brother and I did not do this because we are not small children anymore, but my friend’s mother told me that when they had small children, they would put candy in egg-shaped containers and hide them in the house or yard, and the children would find them and play with them. I think that is such a lovely event, and I was so excited to learn about it. In Japan, Easter is not as popular an event as Christmas or Halloween, so when I returned to Japan, I realized that I could use Easter as an excuse to eat a lot of marshmallows this season.

 I have finished a few meets with the track and field team that I joined this season. I am doing the 800-meter run and the 300-meter hurdles. When I first jumped hurdles in PE class when I was in elementary school, I fell so hard that I swore in my heart that I would never do such a thing again, but I forgot about it and now that I have tried it, I enjoy it more than ever. However, I still sometimes fall. I have already fallen several times during meets and hurdle running practice, and I have injured my left leg a lot. My friends, coaches, and host family worry about me a lot every time I fall, but I feel that I have lost my fear about falling and can focus on hurdling without being afraid of it. However, getting injured is not a good thing, so I want to continue hurdling safely. In addition, practicing with friends in the same event has given me even more motivation for track and field, and has helped me to maintain my motivation to improve my record.

 One of my classes at Sweet Home High School is a wellness class. One of the assignments in the class is to take care of a baby robot that looks like a real baby for three whole days from Friday to Sunday during the weekend. When I heard about the project, I thought it sounded interesting and looked forward to the assignment. Finally, the week of the assignment came, and I picked up the baby-looking robot after school. When I arrived home, the baby began to cry loudly. When we picked up the baby, we were given two diapers, a feeding bottle, and a stroller with no tires along with it. We had to use them for different purposes, and when the baby started crying, we had to either feed him by adding a bottle, changing his diaper, rocking him, or patting him on the back to make him burp. Furthermore, we must try every one of those things because we don’t know which of those things will make the baby stop crying. I spent the whole weekend with the baby, from after school on Friday to midnight on Sunday. The baby was set to wake up and start crying at 5:00 am on Saturday and Sunday mornings and cry every 20 minutes for the rest of the day. Of course, he would not stop crying until late at night. I had a track meet that Saturday weekend and had to take the baby to the meet. Of course, the baby would start crying while I was on the bench waiting for my turn. Shortly before my turn, I carried the baby with me as I walked on the track to warm up, feeling responsible for her. When it came time to really start warming up, I had a friend take care of her, whom I had asked in advance. While I was running in the race, the baby was crying, and my friend was taking care of her. I didn’t have time to waste and just took care of the robot baby without any hesitation. The situation was very funny, but I felt grateful again to think that when I was a baby, my parents had to go through such a hard time to bring me up without being able to sleep well. I was amused by the content of the classes, which I had never heard of in Japan, but in the end, I am glad that I was able to enjoy them and have new experiences.







城西大学附属 城西中学・高等学校

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tel.03-3973-6331 / fax.03-3973-8374

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