
アメリカ長期留学 上野さん 12月レポート
現在、アメリカ・オレゴン州のBlanchet Catholic Schoolに長期留学中の上野さん(高1)の
It’s almost Christmas, and my neighbors have decorated their houses with Christmas decorations. In my school, many teachers play Christmas songs during class. December was the hardest month of my study abroad experience.
On the club side, I joined the American Red Cross’s blood drive volunteer program in the Hosa club. My job was to talk with donors during their blood donation and ask them about their feelings after they donated blood. I’m under seventeen years old, so I couldn’t donate blood, but I was glad to join as a volunteer. I had the opportunity to talk with a retired nurse who worked for the Red Cross and learn about her life. At the end of our conversation, she wished me a good study abroad experience, which motivated me to do my best in the six months to come. After that, I wanted to continue volunteering with the Red Cross, so I joined the Red Cross’s parade volunteer program as an individual. This parade was organized to spread awareness about the Red Cross’s activities. We walked with an advertisement car and distributed snacks to visitors. Another volunteer was deaf, so I looked up simple hand signs. He looked happy, and I was happy too. I want to try another volunteer opportunity.
In band club, we had a Christmas recital. The hall was full, and though I was nervous, I played my loudest volume until now, so I did my best. After that, my friend from the orchestra club hugged me and said, “Your performance was great.” I had watched her performance before mine, so I replied, “You too.” After all the performances ended, I was ready to go home, and everyone lined up in the hallway. I lined up, and someone gave me the music papers for four songs. My friend let me know that we would sing these songs. I was surprised that we would sing without rehearsal. But I didn’t have time to think, so I went on stage, thinking that I would get through it. The first and second songs were difficult, but I got used to them. On the third and fourth songs, I sang pretty loudly. I enjoyed it so much that I thought about moving to the choir club.
In the same week, I had a hip hop recital for two days. I had an acrobatic part with a trio in which I performed a song. For that reason, we practiced this part again and again in the hallway, and we performed on the stage. The result was a success on both dates. After we danced, the applause didn’t stop. After I got home, my family watched the video of the recital. They said, “You’re so talented.” I was anxious about performing on a big stage, but I’m glad I got the chance to show my dance to many people. I heard that we also have a spring recital, so I will practice a lot.
In November, I celebrated Thanksgiving with my family and friends. This event was a gathering of people who always help us, and we enjoyed traditional foods. On this day, my family and I made traditional foods from morning until evening. We made too much food, so we ate it for one week. All the foods were awesome, but I especially liked Masuhara sweet potato. In the evening, my host family’s relatives and church missionaries came to our home, and we played Jenga. This date was the last day that I could meet the missionaries, so I was very sad, but my heart was full of gratitude.
My friends and I went to Langer’s, an amusement park that is similar to the Japanese “Round 1.” We joined a survival game, did some bordering, and took a photo strip. In the amusement arcade, I found Mario Kart from Japan, and I felt the awesomeness of Japanese games.
My friend and I also volunteered to sell popcorn at a theater in the region. I was wondering why American students join volunteer activities than Japanese students, so I asked my friend about it. She said that American colleges attach a lot of importance to volunteer activities, and they can be more important than test scores. I was surprised by the difference between Japanese college tests and American ones.
All in all, this was a busy and fulfilling month for me. Next month, Christmas will be over, and it will be calm days, but I want to try new things. I hope it will be as busy and fulfilling month as this month was.