
カナダ長期留学 谷本さん 10月レポート
現在、カナダ・ブリティッシュ・コロンビア州のSurrey Christian Schoolに
「A lot of events」
The second month has already passed, and I had many events this month. First, my host family’s house was renovated, so we moved there. Although they still had to attach the sink, bathroom, and change the wall color after we moved, we were glad to complete the renovation. For PE class, I went to Seymour Mountain. We were supposed to go on September 27th, but it was changed to October 4th due to bad weather. I heard from my friends that climbing Mt. Seymour is hard, and some of my friends gave up climbing in the middle. We used the school bus to get to the mountain. It was already cold at the foot of the mountain. We separated into two groups. One group walked fast, and the second walked slowly. I joined the second group. Climbing was hard, and it was foggy, so we couldn’t see the path correctly. Also, we helped each other because the path was dangerous. We climbed the mountain for about two hours and finally reached the top. The view from the top was very beautiful. Some of my friends tried to feed the birds. It was a very nice experience.
A few days later, we went to Shoreline Park during class. Here, the river and sea connect. I don’t know what it’s called because someone called it the sea, and someone called it the river. We walked around the sea/river and took pictures with friends. We saw crabs. It was a beautiful place, so I want to go again. At school, we watched a First Nations dance. First Nations are the indigenous people of Canada. We also learned about indigenous people. I’m glad to know their traditional dance and their story.
One surprising thing to me is that my host sister’s birthday and mine are the same! Also, our birthday and Thanksgiving were on the same day, so we celebrated our birthdays and Thanksgiving together. My host sister and I received a lot of presents, and I was so happy. I gave a hoodie to my host sister. The next day was my host family’s cousin’s birthday, so we celebrated together. We had a great time. Two days later, Kazuha, who stayed at my host family’s home two years ago, came here. When I first met her, I don’t know why, but I was nervous. She stayed here for two days, and we talked a lot. She is a very nice and kind person. She is in university, so she taught me many things. For example, she taught me about university, university entrance exams, Surrey Christian School, volunteering, and what she was careful about. She also told me how to write a statement of purpose. She advised me to join a volunteer if possible, so I’m going to ask the teacher. She made her own rule during her stay at home with the host family. That was to drink a cup of tea at night in the living room and talk with the host family. I heard that and thought to try to make it my own rule. My host sister, Kazuha, and I went to Guildford Mall together. She bought bubble tea and sweatpants for me. I was lucky to have a valuable opportunity, so I’m glad.
We have prayers every time before class starts. The teacher says the words of the prayer. I couldn’t understand the words before, but now I can understand a little more than before. I use those prayers as a standard, so I think my English skills are growing little by little. I had a unit test for English, Spanish, and science. My Spanish grade was good, but my science unit test grade was bad. Science was difficult to understand, even the questions, so I’ll study harder. Now I’m doing an English assignment. I’m reading a fiction book and introducing stuff about the book. I chose ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.’ I must make a PowerPoint and make a sentence that introduces the book when I finish the book. It’s difficult to read an English book, but I’m trying. I was surprised because, the story is a little bit different from the movie, so I’m excited to read the book. I had many experiences this month, so I’m glad.
数日後に私たちは”shoreline park”に行きました。ここは海と川が混ざり合っているようなところです。ある人は海といい、ある人は川というので何と呼ぶかはわかりません。川でもあり海でもあるところの周りを歩き、友達と写真も撮りました。カニも沢山いました。とても綺麗な場所だったのでまた行きたいです。学校ではファーストネーションの伝統のダンスを見ることができました。ファーストネーションとはカナダの先住民族のことです。家に帰りファーストネーションの伝統ダンスを見たことを話すとホストシスターがファーストネーションについて詳しく教えてくれました。彼らがどのような扱いを受けたのかなどです。伝統のダンスを見ることができ、歴史まで知ることができたので良い機会だったと思いました。