
アメリカ長期留学 上野さん 9月レポート
上野さんは7月末に日本を出発、現地の語学学校での研修を経て、Blanchet Catholic Schoolに留学中です。
「Longing for America」
On July 29, I left Japan. When I boarded an airplane, my feelings were a mix of hope and anxiety. I met my host family at the Portland airport. I lived in the host family’s house with Miyu, who is Japanese and a second-grader in high school. I enjoyed this one month when we played games and went to the movie theater.
In international school, I had a lot of experiences. Especially, there are two things that impressed me. First, I presented a PowerPoint about healthy life. And I presented about dancing exercise. Then, the teacher said please dance! So, I danced to a song called “What is love?” by a K-pop idol group called Twice with my Taiwanese friend. I was very shy, but it is a good memory. Second, I went to a picnic with teachers and students on the final day. We had a great time playing volleyball and going into the sea. Third, I made a lot of friends from different countries. I told my Taiwanese friend that I want to meet them when I go to Taiwan on my school trip. Also, the teachers were very kind, I could take photos with them in the last class. The next day, my Salem host family picked me up at my Portland host family’s house. When I headed to Salem, I remembered international school and I was moved to tears. However, the real work starts here. I thought that I would change my feelings, and I would keep going to the high school.
When I arrived at my Salem host family’s house, the host family guided me through the house. I was surprised to see that they had a library room and a big warehouse. The host family was kind and funny. The host sister and mother were good at singing and praised my clothes every day. The host father was good at cooking and sometimes told jokes, but I didn’t see how they were funny, so I always answered seriously. I watched a drama called “Merlin” with my host sister and mother every weekend. At first, I couldn’t understand the story, but now I like it so much that I have a favorite character. They have four cats that are very pretty, but I’m sad because when I try to pet them, they run away. Also, the mother’s friend has 16 cows and one horse located a short distance from the house. When I go to see them, they follow me as if they were asking me to give them food.
School started a week after I arrived in Salem. Helly spoke to me during orientation. She is a transfer student from another state. We hang out together because our schedules are the same. She likes Japanese anime and we share the same favorite anime, so we talk about it often. It is very exciting! I was glad that we contacted each other after school at home. I made friends from Germany, Argentina, and the Philippines because my school has many exchange students from different countries. Everyone’s schedule is different, so we eat lunch together and talk before classes start in the morning.For electives, I took drama class and band class. In drama class, I was given the role of Beth in “Little Women”. I want to pay attention to my pronunciation and do my best. In band class, I chose drums and am practicing a song called “Sing Sing”. These days, I tend to play the rhythm too fast, so I will practice a lot. Additionally, I joined the medical club and am excited that I can try to mock an operation in November. Also, I’m learning Hip-hop once a week. I’m a beginner but the teacher is kind to me. A student in the same class told me “Your dance was very good!”. I was very glad.
All in all, I’m trying a lot of things in America, but I can’t speak English well. I want to improve my English skill for 10 months.
語学学校では、様々なことを体験できました。特に印象に残っていることは、2つあります。1つ目は、自分が思う健康的な生活についてのパワーポイントの発表です。私はダンスの種類などを発表しました。すると、先生からちょっと踊ってと言われたので、台湾人の友達と2人でtwiceのwhat is love?を踊りました。とても恥ずかしかったですが、今となってはいい思い出です。2つ目は、最終日の先生と生徒で行ったピクニックです。みんなでバレーボールをしたり、海に入ったりととても楽しい時間を過ごしました。語学学校では、様々な国の友達を作ることが出来ました。台湾人の友達とは、来年の校外学習で会えたら会おうと話しました。先生方も暖かい方々で、最後の授業で色んな先生と一緒に写真を撮ってもらいました。次の日、セーラムのホストファミリーがポートランドのホストファミリーの家に迎えに来てくださいました。ポートランドからセーラムに向かう時、語学学校を思い出し、少し涙ぐんでしまいした。しかし、本番はここからです。気持ちを切り替えて、高校でも頑張ろうと思いました。
セーラムのホストファミリーの家につくと、家の中をマザーが案内してくださいました。図書室や大きな倉庫があり、とても驚きました. ホストファミリーは、本当に優しく、面白い方々です。シスターとマザーは私の服を毎日褒めてくれます。ファザーは料理が得意で、たまにジョークを言いますが、それがジョークなのか分からず、私はいつも真面目な回答をしてしまいます。そして、週末はシスターとマザーとMerlinというドラマを見ています。初めの方は、内容がよく分からなかったのですが、今では好きな登場人物ができるほど好きになりました。そして、ホストは、猫を4匹飼っており、とてもかわいいですが、撫でようとすると逃げてしまうので、悲しいです。さらに、マザーの友達が家から少し離れたところに牛を16匹と馬を1匹飼っており、会いに行くたびに、餌頂戴という顔で、追いかけられます。