
アメリカ長期留学 小池さん 9月レポート
「This is America!」
It’s been one month since I came to the United States of America. Time passes so quickly, but it felt like I’ve spent more than a month here because of the deep experiences I’ve had. Before school started, I went to many places in Oregon where I discovered lots of nature. When I went to coast side city, I rode a horse which was so cute and smart. He understood exactly what I wanted him to do, which was very surprising. I also went to a fast food restaurant which is like THE American experience. I was surprised that the food was so big and that they had so many options.
School started on September 7th and I was so nervous. Two days later, we had a sleepover event which was called Fall-In. Salem Academy also has a preschool, which means that all the high school students have been in the same grade since they were young. This situation made me so nervous and anxious. However, they treated me as a friend. They didn’t consider whether I was in the same grade or not. I think that it is a really good culture. I experienced American culture a lot of times. During the Fall-In, we didn’t receive a schedule of activities for the two-day event and nobody knew what we were going to do, teachers too. I was so confused, so I asked my friends what was going on and they answered “I have no idea.” Then, I asked some teachers. They also answered “I don’t know.” Finally, the principal instructed students what to do next. Everyone enjoyed the day’s activities with full force.
In the night time, students gathered in the gym and we had dance party. There was also free time until we had to go to bed at 11:30. I was surprised at this because it’s different from Japan. Our wake up call was 8:30. It was little bit late, so I was happy to sleep in a little extra. When I went to eat breakfast, there were only a few students. Most students had kept sleeping during breakfast which I thought it was also very different.
I’m really enjoying American high school which has many events. On September 11th, I watched a football game at Salem Academy’s football field. I couldn’t understand its rules, but it was cool that the students in the same class as me were playing. This week is Homecoming, so we have to wear clothes which were decided beforehand. I’m looking forward to seeing what my friends will wear. This Friday, after watching the football game, we will have a dance party. I’m so excited to attend.
9月7日から学校が始まり、初めはとても不安でした。そして、学校が始まってから2日後にFall-Inという高校生全員で行く2泊3日の宿泊行事がありました。Salem Academy は幼稚園からあり、同じ学年の子達は高校までほとんどメンバーが変わらず過ごします。そんな環境の中での宿泊行事は緊張と不安でいっぱいでした。しかし、アメリカは日本と違い年齢差や学年を気にせず、すぐに友達にように接してくれる人が多く、だんだん緊張がほどけて楽しく過ごすことができました。
このFall-Inでアメリカらしいなと感じたことが沢山あります。まず、2日間の予定表が生徒にも先生にも配られないことです。初めてのことだらけで戸惑い、次に何をするのかと友達に聞いても「I don’t know.」先生に聞いても「I don’t know.」 校長先生が指示するのをみんななんとなく動いていたのです。しかし、たくさんのアクティビティがあり、全員が全力で参加していてとても楽しかったです。
今はある程度学校生活にも慣れ、たくさんの学校行事のあるアメリカの高校を楽しんでいます。9月11日にはSalem Academyのフットボールフィールドで行われたアメフトの試合を見に行きました。ルールはよくわかりませんでしたが、同じクラスの子達が戦っている姿を見てとてもかっこいいと思いました。今週は Homecoming weekなので毎日指定された服装で学校に行きみんながどんな服で来るのかとても楽しみです。そして金曜の夜は、みんなでフットボールの試合を見た後ダンスパティーがあるので、とても楽しみです。