
城西大学附属 城西中学・高等学校

アメリカ長期留学 上野さん 1月レポート

現在、アメリカ・オレゴン州のBlanchet Catholic Schoolに長期留学中の上野さん(高1)の1月レポートとなります。


 Finally, Christmas has come. At home, my father’s mother, Kerri, her married sister, and her family came to spend time with us. During dinner, Kerri’s husband called out to me and said, “I have been to Japan.” So, I asked him what he thought about Japan, and he said there are too few trash cans. I thought about it and looked up the reasons. I found out that the reasons are to prevent terrorism and to reduce the cost of gathering trash from many trash cans. I didn’t realize that even though I am Japanese, It was a good chance to learn what foreign people think about Japan. Thereafter, at Christmas dinner, I ate roast beef and quiche. I also told my family that most Japanese people eat Kentucky Fried Chicken on Christmas. They were really surprised because Kentucky Fried Chicken is fast food, so it’s incredible to eat fried chicken on Christmas. I spend Christmas time in Japan every year, so I realized that Americans don’t have this culture at Christmas. After dinner, my family and I exchanged Christmas presents. My family called me and I got clothes and hair accessories. The clothes were designed with my favorite character that I had told my mother about. I was glad that she remembered my favorite character. I gave my family some sweaters that were their favorite design. I was happy that they were glad to get them.
 The next day, I went to a shopping mall with Kerri and her family. I didn’t do anything special, just went to a shopping mall close to my home. However, they asked me several questions about Japan, and we got along well with each other. After that, we played a card game and ate Japanese curry that I made, which they enjoyed. Kerri and I got along especially well, like friends. We exchanged contact information and have kept in touch. It was my first Christmas spent in the U.S., but it was fabulous and happy, and I had a great time with Kerri.
 The winter holiday has ended, and school has resumed. I have received many assignments and tests for the final exams at the end of January. America has two semesters, and the second semester will start in February, during which I will take different subjects from the past. Therefore, the range of this exam is what I have studied since September. That involves not only a descriptive expression but also a presentation in front of my classmates. My teacher will check my presentation, so there are different things that are difficult here compared to in Japan. But after exams, I’m going to have a birthday party and invite my friends over, so I’m really excited about that. I also promised my friends to go skating, so I’m looking forward to that as well.
 Therefore, this month, I was able to stay calm and get along well with my family. I talked with Kerri and her family about Japan and made Japanese curry for my family to spread Japanese culture. Making Japanese curry was difficult because I had limited ingredients, but my father said it was the most delicious curry he had ever tasted. I was glad to make it. Next month, the semester will change, and I can take classes that are different from the past, so I’m looking forward to that. I was able to rest this month, so I’m going to channel that energy into my studies and do my best next month.


 そして、冬休みが終わり、登校日がやってきました。すると、早速1月末の、Final exam という大きなテストに向けて、色々な課題や小テストが出されました。アメリカは、2学期制で、2月から2学期になり、今までとは違う教科を取ることが出来ます。なので、このテストは、9月からやってきた勉強の範囲を教科ごと試験するものです。記述式だけではなく、クラス全員の前でプレゼンをし、先生が発表に対し、採点をするという方法で行われる教科もある為、日本の定期テストとまた違った大変さがあります。しかし、このテストが終われば、家に友達を招いて、私の誕生日会を開こうと計画しているので、今からとてもワクワクしています。さらに、友達とスケートに行く約束もしているので、それも凄く楽しみです。



城西大学附属 城西中学・高等学校

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tel.03-3973-6331 / fax.03-3973-8374

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